Multiple bugs found

In Progress

Hi! I've found multiple bugs in Frameship, could your team please take a look at these:

1: When an order is placed, upon returning to the Framer store, products can't be added to the cart again. Using a different browser that hasn't been used in a check-out allows add to carts again.

2: In Firefox, the quantity selector of the products looks like this:

3: When not tracking stock in Shopify, some will have their quantity selector greyed out. This happens for some products and not others, even though they're all set up the exact same, so not sure what the reason for this could be.

4: Individual products added to the cart are added to the cart item count label, but if you add for example 5 of the same product to the cart it still only counts as 1 in the cart counter.

5: The checkout button in the cart doesn't have a pointer cursor set.

6: This one is not a bug, but it would be great if we'd have the option to display product variants even when there's only one.

Thank you for looking into these, and thank you for creating such a great plugin!

Isaac Roberts
Isaac Roberts

Thanks for reporting these bugs!

I will have a fix for #1 soon.

2 (arrows showing on Firefox) and 4 (item count is wrong) are fixed now!

5 (checkout button cursor) has been fixed for a few weeks, but I just didn't know about this post at the time.

Showing the product variants when there is only one is not planned right now, but we are going to do a big overhaul of the product variant selector in the future so we might add this feature then.


@Isaac Roberts, thank you very much Isaac!

For issue #3, you can see it happening here: https://foyo.nl/producten/windsor-led-make-upkast-met-spiegel

All products are created equally, it happens on some and not others. Do you have an idea what causes this?

Ryan Hayward
Ryan Hayward team
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In Progress

In progress