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Template creator program

In Progress
Isaac Roberts
Isaac Roberts

Add a system for template creators to easily create ecommerce website Framer templates using Frameship.

✅ Slack channel for template creators
⬜ Page in the Frameship plugin where creators can turn their existing project into a template
⬜ Revenue sharing for Frameship sales made through template - currently this uses a discount code, but in a future update you will be able to register your project as a template and automatically get a percent of all Frameship sales that are made through the template
⬜ Template marketplace - get your templates featured on the Frameship website and in the plugin.
⬜ Allow creating a preview website for templates for free - currently you have to pay for Frameship to work on the published website, but template creators shouldn't be required to pay.

Ryan Hayward
Ryan Hayward team
set status to
In Progress

In progress

Ryan Hayward
Ryan Hayward team
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