🀨 Superfields

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Superfields Framer plugin

In Progress

Make a Framer plugin for Superfields.


Save pagination, filters, and search in URL parameters

In Progress

Store pagination page, filter values, and search bar text in the URL as parameters so that they are saved when using the forward and back navigation buttons in the browser, and so they can be linked to directly when sharing links to your website. Examples: superfields.io?page=3 superfields.io?page=2&Color=Orange&fav...




Currently Superfields doesn't seem to support localization in its filter functionality. This is detrimental to multi-language websites - It shouldn't be an issue, as the fields are already localized.


Real-time search for CMS rich content fields

Would be great if real-time search natively supported CMS rich content fields (like long-form content). Actually, just make it support all content πŸ™Œ please!


Table of contents component

Under Review

Add a table of contents component that auto-generates based on headings in the CMS content. Example: documint.framer.website


Multi-Page Filtering with Active Parameters

Superfields doesn’t currently support multi-page filtering, and I’ve seen this request multiple times in the community. I believe it could be a game-changer for many users. If you do decide to integrate this feature, I’d be happy to support it, and I’d imagine many others would as well – even if it came with a slight pricing ...


Add hover state on dynamic filtering

Add hover state on dynamic filtering like change color on hover (solid color or gradient)


CMS post scheduling / filter by today's date


Allow filtering CMS items by the current date. This can be used for post scheduling - new posts automatically appear on the website once the date is reached. You can also use it to hide items that have already passed (e.g. for an event calendar that only shows future events). Another feature of this is that you can redirect ...


Price gauge


I wanted to know if it was possible to develop a price gauge to sort products by price like Airbnb or Amazon. It could be very interesting for superfield or framership to show only the products in the interval https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/productroad/uploads/710/10641/695c1b2b-d2b7-4d17-9488-5da75da81156.png https://...


Add fixed overlays to items in Superfields

Under Review

Because the CMS Collection List has to be outside of a breakpoint to connect with Superfields, it's not possible to add a fixed overlay to CMS items like you can when the collection list is inside the breakpoint. Being able to add fixed overlays while using Superfields would be useful.


Filter against two or more fields

To display items in multiple categories, it would be helpful to add filters against multiple fields in a collection.


Filter forces pagination back to 1

I have both filtering / search AND pagination. If I start looking through the pages and say on page 5, I decide to use a filter, is there a way to force the page to reload or at least go back to page 1? Currently it will stay on the current page when the filter is activated. meaning if i am on page 10/20 and my filter only re...


Multiple Filters + Sorting

Hello, The issues I find are: 1. you can't use multiple dropdown filters in the same Superfield 2. Sorting + Filter don't work together t 3. the Favourite Only toggle doesn't work (I tried all combinations and still found a way to make it work) but the favourite button does. I am sorted for now, but I removed those featur...


Most Read

Implement a "Most Read" component to track and display the most-read CMS items (e.g., blogs, articles, news, etc.) and allow visitors to filter content by type.


Pagination honours CMS search queries and filtering

I have pagination at the bottom of my blog pages. When I filter the blog, then select a blog item, and then use the pagination, it doesn't honour the filtering that I made beforehand. From a usability perspective it makes more sense that the searching or filtering is active/honoured/consistent when using pagination.